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Lodge 70


2004 - Economic Snapshot of Indiana

A snapshot of economic information for Indiana shows the pain working families are facing.

Jobs and Unemployment

Unemployment rate for Indiana: 5.1 percent Change in number of jobs from January 2001 to October 2003: -91,600 Change in manufacturing jobs from January 2001 to October 2003: -59,800


Indiana residents who are poor: 552,000 (9.1 percent) Poor children: 167,000 (10.5 percent)

Health Coverage

Individuals who have no health care coverage: 797,000 (13.1 percent) Uninsured children: 158,000 (9.8 percent)

Pension Coverage

Workers who have pensions provided by their employers: 55.2 percent


Indiana schools that require repairs to be in good overall condition: 85 percent. Needed repairs and upgrades will cost an estimated $ 3,537,737,613.


Indiana residents who either do not have enough food or are uncertain about how much food they will have every day: 8.9 percent


Number of personal bankruptcies in Indiana in 2002: 52,859 (a change of 42.4 percent in two years)

Affordable Housing

33.3 percent of rental households in Indiana spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing.

Roads and Bridges

Approximately 37.2 percent of Indiana's roads are in poor to only mediocre condition. And, 23 percent of the state's bridges that are 20 feet or longer have structural deficiencies or are functionally obsolete.

State Financial Situation

The budget crisis in Indiana resulted in cutbacks to key programs and undermined the state's ability to meet critical needs. At one point Indiana faced a projected FY 2004 budget gap of $ 750,000,000, which it had to close before the beginning of the FY 2004 fiscal year. Since FY 2004 began, a gap of $ 800,000,000 has emerged.

Sources: American Bankruptcy Institute; American Society of Civil Engineers; Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; Economic Policy Institute; U.S. General Accounting Office; National Conference of State Legislatures; National Education Association; The Road Information Program; Dale Rusakoff and Rene Sanchez, "N.J. and Calif. Lawmakers Down to Wire on Budgets; Both States Divided on How to Close Deficits," The Washington Post, 7/1/2003; Surface Transportation Policy Project; U.S. Census Bureau; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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Last modified: 9/10/2010

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